After the Youth Dream Presentation Festival Resounded in Argentina...
On September 17, 2022, at 2 PM, the 3rd Youth Dream Presentation Festival was successfully held at the main sanctuary of the Argentina First Church.
The event was jointly hosted by the Dream Foundation International (Chairman Chang Hyun Son), the Korean Educational Institute in Argentina (Director Chang Heon Lee), and the Association of Korean Schools in Argentina (President Young Hee Park).
Young Hee Park, the President of the Association of Korean Schools in Argentina, began the festival with a welcoming speech, expressing her hope that the Youth Dream Presentation Festival would become a stepping stone for many young people to realize their goals and dreams. Chang Hyun Son, the Chairman of the Dream Foundation International, admired the courage of the students who participated in the competition and expressed his gratitude to the teachers and parents who guided them. He emphasized that achieving dreams requires sacrifice and courage and encouraged everyone at the festival to dream of brightening society with their aspirations.
Chang Heon Lee, the Director of the Korean Educational Institute in Argentina, hoped that this would be a time for students to dream various dreams, and not only show interest in Korea but also contribute to expanding Korea-Argentina exchanges. He introduced the institute's various study abroad scholarship programs.
Pastor Sun Yeop Kim of the First Church congratulated all the participating students, likening our dreams to life's goals in his congratulatory speech. He mentioned that a journey without a set destination accompanies wandering, time waste, and anxiety, while success comes to students who plan to achieve their dreams.
The 18 students who attended the Youth Dream Presentation Festival shared their dreams, creating a time of empathy in the venue for their precious stories.
The awards were announced by Chang Heon Lee, Director of the Korean Educational Institute in Argentina, Jung Eun Lee, President of the Association of Korean Writers, and Sun Young Jang, former President of the Association of Korean Schools. The winners were as follows: Grand Prize to Ga Eun Kim (Bethel Korean School), 2nd Prize to Ah Rin Choi (First Korean School), 3rd Prize to Hae Jin Oh and Dong Hee Kim (First Korean School), Encouragement Awards to Yu Jin Kim (Shinseong Korean School), Da Hyun Shin (Buenos Korean School), Ah In Song (First Korean School), Na Young Kim (Rosario Korean School), and Ai Lin Lee (First Korean School). The Commendation Awards went to Min Jun Oh, Sun Hee Kim (Somang Korean School), Chan Hyun Kim, Ae Jin Yoon, Ri Sa Choi (Shinseong Korean School), Hye Jin Oh, Ji Hoon Yoon (First Korean School), Seung Woo Yoon, and Se Ri Im (Bethel Korean School). The students shared the joy of winning together.
A Thank You Letter from the Parents of the 1st Place Winner, Ga Eun Kim
Moving from Korea to Argentina, we spent a lot of time thinking about our future children. One of our concerns was how to raise them to maintain their Korean identity while growing up as second-generation immigrants in Argentina and to be children of faith who positively influence the world.
After moving to Argentina and raising six children here, our earnest hope was for them to grow up as people of faith. Although many people worried and had concerns about us raising six children, we knew that "it is the duty of believers to fill the world with holy seed." With this understanding, we have been able to raise our children with gratitude.
Our second child, Ga Eun, participated in the Youth Dream Presentation Festival during her teenage years, and it was a time of great joy and happiness when she achieved excellent results. We were particularly surprised and grateful to hear that the foundation would provide various forms of support to help the winning children grow further.
Through this experience, I was once again able to look forward to and imagine how Ga Eun will continue to grow. It was a deeply moving time for me, and it was also a meaningful moment to expect God's work through this child.
I sincerely thank the Chairman of the Dream Foundation International and everyone who worked hard to make this possible, allowing us to have such expectations and joy. I pray that the foundation continues to grow its influence worldwide through events like this and that all children who benefit from the foundation's support grow into people of faith who positively impact the world with the influence of Christ.
Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude and pray that the Lord's grace continues to abound abundantly in this foundation.